2024 Nutcracker Cast.
Party Scene – Act I – Scene I
Drosselmeyer: Troy McGee
Nephew: Axton Shakespeare
Poor Children: Everett Bolke, Nora Miguel
Paper Boy:
Carolers: Enya Monson, Addie Jackson, Jenna Myers
Herr-Stahlbaum: Brent Brindley
Frau-Stalbaum: Sheila Bailey
Clara: Kennedy Burt, Lily Wilkinson
Fritz: Reid Hays
Party Boys: Hezekiah Bradley, Andrew Gardner, Rocco Kirchhausen, Charles Lindsey, Hunter McGee, Karter Plant, Dash Shakespeare, Samuel Valadez, Reid Walker
Mechanical Bear:
Toy Doll: Madison Higgins
Party Parents:
Party Girls: Charlotte Bolke, Clara Brady, Jentzi Frei, Havyn Jensen, Capri Lee, Tessa Maurer, Emma Murset, Ivory Shiozawa, Grace Valadez, Molly Wilcox
Party Princess: Livi Morley
Battle Scene – Act I – Scene II
The Nutcracker Prince: Niko Kirchhausen
Mouse King: Shane Hecksel
Mouse Prince: Capri Lee, Ivory Shiozawa
Mice: Lily Brinkerhoff, Alice Fraser, Charlie Stout
Small Mice: Sophie Bahoravitch, Tessa Maurer
Baby Mice: Juliet Armour, Alice Blanco, Bostyn Hurst, Yasmin Izhar, Helen Kirby, Lily Klabacka, Charlotte Maughan, Bryce McGee, Remi Morley, Blakely Robertson, Hallie Thomasson, Janie Westbrook, Madison Wilcox, Kate Willard
Rifleman: Olivia Awerkamp
Drummer: Ella Torres
Red Soldiers: Lydia Guerisoli, Lynlee Gwilliam, Maci Janke, Kylee Koon, Scarlett Preece, Kinley Terry
Blue Soldiers: Amberlyn Harrison, Lilly Howard, Brylee Larson, Sadie Morley, Jojo Mortenson, Henley Reeder, Sofia Vazquez, Journey Wiggins
Trumpeter: Alta Tibbs
Snow Kingdom – Act I – Scene III
Angels: Emmy Awerkamp, Freya Bingham, Aspen Carlsen, Alejandra Dorantes, Josefine Duran, June Joines, Vivian Kirby, Emily Lawrence, Hazel Mortenson, Sophie Olsen
Snow Pas De Deux:
SnowFlakes: Samantha Armour, Jane Benson, Lydia Brady, Hayden Burt, Abby Gardner, Kayl Gunther, Camree Higbee, Eva Hurdman, Gwen McCullough, Ava Murset, Carli Myers, Sydney Smith, Grace Snow, Laney Zwahlen
The Land of Sweets – Act II
Sugar Fairies: Hayden Burt, Abby Gardner, Camree Higbee, Eva Hurdman, Gwen McCullough, Ava Murset, Sydney Smith, Grace Snow & Jane Benson, Lydia Brady, Zivah Bradley, Lily Brinkerhoff, Alice Fraser, Lynlee Gwilliam, Adeline Hill, Kamaya Peterson, Charlie Stout, Ella Torres, Addelaide Watson, Bailey Wilcox
Sugar Plum Fairy:
Sleigh Fairies:
Spanish: Samantha Armour, Carli Myers
Chinese: Madison Higgins & Olivia Awerkamp, Lydia Guerisoli, Lynlee Gwilliam, Maci Janke, Kylee Koon, Jojo Mortensen
Arabian: Samantha Armour, Jane Benson, Lydia Brady, Abby Gardner, Kayl Gunther, Laney Zwahlen
Russian: Lily Brinkerhoff, Hayden Burt, Alice Fraser, Eva Hurdman, Gwen McCullough, Zora Roberts, Charlie Stout, Bailey Wilcox
Marzipan: Kayl Gunther, Camree Higbee, Ava Murset, Grace Snow, Laney Zwahlen
Mother Hubbard: Heidi Sorenson
Mother Hubbard Kids: Sophie Bahoravitch, Rosie Ensign, Sienna Gardner, Emerald Hill, Bostyn Hurst, Giselle Kirchhausen, Charlotte Maughan, K’Jenika Plant, Sierryn Swope, Janie Westbrook, Christine Williams, Kate Willard
Waltz of Flowers
Soloist: Kayl Gunther, Laney Zwahlen
Demi Soloist: Lydia Brady, Abby Gardner, Camree Higbee, Ava Murset, Carli Myers, Sydney Smith, Grace Snow
Corps: Jane Benson, Lydia Brady, Hayden Burt, Alice Fraser, Abby Gardner, Camree Higbee, Madison Higgins, Eva Hurdman, Gwen McCullough, Carli Myers, Zora Roberts, Sydney Smith, Grace Snow, Addelaide Watson, Bailey Wilcox
Grand Pas De Duex:
Cast Info
The following is a list of the makeup that your dancer will need if they are in Snow or Act II (except Mother Hubbards, they are included with the younger roles and we will provide the makeup for them).
Please make sure you purchase it soon so your dancer can practice. We will have a makeup check on November 11th. Your dancer will need to be passed off so that we know they will be show ready when they come to the theater for dress rehearsal and performances.
All dancers in Snow and Act II (besides Mother Hubbards) need to purchase a pair of performance lashes at the studio. One set should last for all the shows if they are careful when they remove them.
We are giving you a couple different places to purchase some of the makeup from in case it becomes hard to get with so many purchasing the same items. The Foundation link is ONLY A SUGGESTION for a good stage foundation that gives a matte look rather than a dewey. It is not required to purchase this foundation, but you will need some kind of foundation and mascara.
Here is a video tutorial of how the makeup should be applied for Snow and Variations.
Act 1 Scene 1 is: Party Scene the cast is: Clara, Fritz, Nephew, Carolers, Poor children, Princess, Party Girls & Boys, Maid, Doll, Bear, Drosselmeyer, Party Parents,
Act 1 Scene 2 is: Battle Scene the cast is: Clara, Fritz, Party Boys, Baby Mice, Small Mice, Mice, Mouse King, Mouse Prince, Red & Blue Soldiers, Nutcracker Prince
Act 1 Scene 3 is: Snow Scene the cast is: Snow Queen, Snow Cavalier, Snowflakes, Clara, Nutcracker Prince, Angels
Act 2 is: Land of the Sweets the cast is: Sugar Plum Fairy, Cavalier, Clara, Nutcracker Prince, Angels, All Fairies, All Variations-Spanish, Arabian, Chinese, Marzipan, Russian, Mother Hubbard, Waltz of the Flowers
Baby Mice Rehearsal will always be listed as Baby Mice
Parent Meeting November 28th 7:00
Dress Rehearsals: Wednesday & Thursday December 6th & 7th
Friday & Saturday December 8th & 9th 2:30 & 7:30.
Westside Studio will provide make-up (with the exception of mascara) for all of the young dancer roles,, i.e., party girls and boys, Clara, Fritz, nephew, soldiers, angels & Mother Hubbard kids. However, you need to provide your own if your dancer is allergic, it will be necessary for the parent to provide hypoallergenic; make-up. If you feel it necessary to purchase your own, visit our office for a list of necessary colors and supplies. All dancers performing variations and other adult roles can supply their own make-up including Performance Lashes.
Each dancer is required to have their own supplies in their dance bag. Inside the dance bag, sew into or mark your dancer’s name, and phone number. All articles inside the dance bag should be marked with your dancer’s name. Following is a list of items each dancer brings to the theatre and these supplies must be updated, so all performances are covered. Your dancer’s bag contains:
For make-up: Girls come with hair done and wearing nude leotard for make-up application. (Baby Mice wear NO make-up)
Makeup wipes to remove make-up. Dancers please remove make-up after each performance
Safety pins, needle, thread, scissors
Hairspray, long hair pins, bobbie pins, hair elastics, 4 packets hair nets, comb and brush (boys will not need bobbie pins & hair nets)
Deodorant (Please wear it no matter the age)
Two pairs of ballet shoes (1 can be old to use as backup in the event shoes are misplaced)
2 pair clean tights and boys Black biker shorts with tight white T, 2 pair black socks
Quiet books and games (nothing expensive). Always put these items back into your bag prior to leaving your room. We will not be responsible for ANY lost items.
Every dancer is expected to sell at least one Ad or equivalent in donation. Prizes at Cast Party given for the most Ad sales and donations given. There is also a parent & business perk of show tickets that come with the Ad sales. (Cast Party is December 2, 6:00-8:00, PJ’s, Dinner & Movie) contact Holly@westsidestudio.org for questions and also check out our support page for more info.
Coming Soon